Saturday, October 8, 2011

These Hard Times

Today is Saturday of my fall break and unfortunately I only have one more day here at home. In 24 hours I'll be back at college, in rehearsal actually. And as the craziness that is my life has increased, my posts on this blog have decreased dramatically. As expected, really, but sad nonetheless.*

How things have changed since my last post! Well, kind of. Not really. I don't even know.
The thing that has changed is mainly how busy I am. I begin my weekdays at either 5:45am or 7:30am depending on whether I'm going to the gym or not. Classes begin between 9 and 9:30am and go nonstop until 1:45pm on Mondays, 2:10pm Tuesday/Thursday, 5pm Wednesday and 3:15pm Friday. Then I have rehearsals for the straight play (that I was cast as the lead in) from 5-7 or 6-8pm depending on whether I have rehearsals for another show from 5-6pm or after 7. Oh and sprinkle in rehearsals for a student choreographed dance show, though they're generally on weekends. And we mustn't forget that more auditions are coming up!
In that little free time I have, I go to the gym, workout in my dorm, EAT, do homework or catch up on TV shows and tumblr. But of course I don't think that's anywhere near enough to do, so I've added a few more challenges for myself:
1. I have languages to learn and practice. Spanish, French, Japanese and Chinese. These are what I will focus on now. Arabic and anything else can come later, but I think that four foreign languages are plenty for the moment, don't you? Spanish is practical, as is Chinese (particularly for an international business major). My school has a dual degree study abroad program in France that I'd love to do, so I need to learn French (plus it's pretty, duh). I've always wanted to learn Japanese and I'd love to study abroad there. Soooo. Four languages. Can do.
2. Books to read. Obviously this isn't a chore because I freaking love books, but I simply don't have the time! But I will make time because literature is so important. Currently on the "to read" list: Name of the Star (Maureen Johnson), finish Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (Riggs), Leviathan (Westerfield), The Girl in the Steel Corset (???) and some other miscellaneous books I found at the half price book store.
3. Halloween is coming! I haven't many ideas but I'm definitely thinking of being Artemis or the TARDIS this year. Probably the former, as a greater number of people will understand that costume. Headed to Goodwill tomorrow to see what I can find.
4. Scholarships and internships and study abroad, oh my! Whatever shall I do with myself this summer and how shall I fund it?
5. Back to blogging and vlogging! I'm awful at keeping to "I'll do this every day for X amount of time," so I'm not setting parameters, but simply pledging to try to blog and vlog more.
6. Write some damn songs. I must finish the songs I have begun! Creativity, OCCUR.
7. Write some stories. And plays. Because there are so many ideas in my head and I just need to put them on paper.

Those are the tasks I am challenging myself with at the moment. Perhaps I will be successful in my endeavors. Most likely not, but perhaps. I want to be remarkable and to be remarkable, this extra effort is necessary.
On that note, I bid thee adieu.

*Not that many people actually read this, but I like to document my days. Then again, tumblr and twitter help with that.

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